For owner Tiffany Cruickshank, Peak Running in Downers Grove, IL is more than a specialty running store; it’s a source of inspiration for new and seasoned runners alike. Cruickshank’s second store, Peak Running with a Twist will open soon at Burr Ridge Village Center. What’s the twist? Craft beer and wine, of course!
What was the inspiration behind Peak Running with a Twist?
- Well, we love what we do at Peak Running in Downers Grove. The personalized attention to customers and the interactions we have with them is really special. We intend to extend that excellent customer service and attention to detail at Peak Running with a Twist. With the craft beer and wine component, we hope it will attract more customers to the new store as opposed to ordering shoes online!
What made you choose Burr Ridge as your debut location for Peak Running with a Twist?
- We live in Burr Ridge and workout at the Lifetime located next to Burr Ridge Village Center. We love the energy and modern feel of the entire Village Center. It will be a perfect location to showcase Peak Running with a Twist!
What kind of craft beer do you plan on serving?
- I would like to focus on the great local craft beers and a really good red and white wine choice. The beer selection will change regularly.
How do you make sure a running shoe is the perfect shoe for your costumer?
- We have an extensive shoe fitting process as well as a gait analysis that we do with our customers. Everyone’s feet are different, and with that in mind, we figure out what shoes may work for that customer. Whether you walk, run, or are on your feet all day, we take the time to make sure the shoe you are fitted for provides the comfort and structure you need. Ultimately, the customer chooses the shoe with the most natural fit and feel!
What is the running community like in Burr Ridge/Downers Grove?
- Burr Ridge and Downers Grove have very energetic running community. Our group runs from the Downers Grove store meet Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 6:30pm. Although not set in stone, we will have group runs from the Burr Ridge store on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and longer runs on Saturday’s. We love to include special events and creative themes to our group runs. To stay current on all the social fun run events we do, visit